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This strategic plan will take us from 2021 through to 2026. It is an ambitious plan that provides a clear, coordinated and prioritised focus and direction for everyone involved in the organisation over the next five years.
Regardless of the significant progress made over the years, we enter this new chapter with hunger and determination to achieve even more. Our plan points to a future where we will continue to use our unique range of skills and expertise to cultivate and care for the nation’s memory, lay the foundation for a knowledge economy, empower learning and research, and be at the heart of national life.
We will achieve our ambitions through our commitment to be an open, innovative and progressive organisation. This is the only way we’ll create a library for Wales and the world.
At a time of immense challenge but tremendous opportunity, we are fortunate to have our rich history and culture and a clear sense of purpose as the bedrock of this plan. The National Library of Wales is home to a significant part of the nation’s memory. It is both a vast reservoir of knowledge and a centre point for activity that empowers the people of Wales with a deep awareness of their past, an understanding of the present, and inspiration to shape their future.
Our plan reinforces what already makes the National Library of Wales distinctive: our approach to celebrating diversity of the Welsh experience, our commitment to social responsibility, our scale and breadth, a culture of collaboration and innovation, and our unrivalled location.
We enter this new strategic cycle with the realisation that we will, of course, be agile and adaptable to external change. While the plan is broad in its scope, we will hold on to the clear objectives and ambitions outlined in this document. This unwavering commitment will help ensure that we move closer to realising our long-term vision of delivering change for the better for everyone in Wales.
This strategy builds on the success of the last five years and the ten-year vision that was presented in The Nation's Memory: Informing the Future: 2017-2021 strategic plan. We have witnessed a number of notable achievements during this time, including:
This strategic plan has been developed at a time of profound change and consideration will need to be given to the following factors if we are to achieve the vision and objectives.
To respond effectively to these challenges, we will need resilience, agility and the drive to change for the better.
In 2020, the National Library of Wales set about developing a clear and ambitious plan. This strategic plan was developed following extensive consultation with a broad range of stakeholders. Following the launch of our Strategic Vision 2021-26 and the accompanying call for contributions, we received written feedback and facilitated a series of workshops with stakeholders.
The National Library of Wales also welcomed the independent Tailored review which involved a thorough and detailed analysis of the state of play and the challenges faced by the organisation. The review was facilitated by Welsh Government and outlined clear recommendations. These recommendations have informed the development of our strategic plan.
We would like to thank everyone who gave their time to share their comments on the Vision and contributed to shaping the Library’s future in this way.
Our mission and core functions are the same now as they have always been. In line with our Charter we will continue:
“to collect, preserve and give access to all kinds and forms of recorded knowledge, especially relating to Wales and the Welsh and other Celtic peoples, for the benefit of the public, including those engaged in research and learning.”
The National Library of Wales is Wales’s only legal deposit library. This status affords us the right to claim a free copy of every print and digital publication (including websites) published in the UK, forming the core of a research collection of international standard. Our collections include tens of millions of books, manuscripts, archives, maps, pictures, photographs, newspapers, sound and film, and is growing continuously.
We specialise in the physical and digital conservation of collections and knowledge in both physical and digital form. Due to the skill, knowledge and commitment of our workforce, along with our infrastructure and facilities, we are able to ensure that the knowledge entrusted to our care continues to be available for future generations.
We aim to give the widest possible access to our collections within our building in Aberystwyth, on sites in other parts of Wales, on our websites and through other online platforms and channels. We are always seeking new opportunities to present our collections to users, participants and audiences through activities such as exhibitions, events, volunteer projects, and an education service to schools throughout Wales.
The way we deliver our mission has and continues to change with time as we respond to the changing world around us. This Strategic Plan sets out the priorities for development that will ensure that we continue to deliver our mission effectively over the next five years and beyond.
Our primary responsibility is towards the people of Wales today along with future generations. Our actions will reflect this alignment with the interests of Wales, along with our responsibility to deliver our mission effectively and sustainably.
The National Library of Wales is a library for the whole of Wales, and contributes positively to global well-being. We have a key contribution to make in achieving the seven goals of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.
We will promote an equal, fair and inclusive society, working to eradicate poverty, and provide a safe platform and space where we can have a healthy, honest and open discussion about all aspects of Welsh life.
We accept our responsibility to respond to the global climate crisis by mitigating the environmental impact of our operations.
In collecting, preserving and giving access to knowledge, we are committed to working towards diversity, reflecting the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the people of Wales, and to ensuring that our collections and services are accessible to everyone of all backgrounds and abilities.
We will promote the Welsh language and encourage its use in all of our activities.
Prioritising the task of capturing the diverse experiences of contemporary Wales.
How will we achieve this?
Ensure that our collections are representative of all aspects of Welsh life and history, especially individuals and communities which have been underrepresented.
How will we achieve this?
Continue to maintain and develop our infrastructure and expertise in the conservation and management of both physical and digital information, providing guidance for the sector in Wales and contributing to international developments.
How will we achieve this?
Facilitate digital access to collections, considering from the outset the demand and potential use
How will we achieve this?
Enable public participation in the development of the national memory, contributing to the well-being of Wales and the world
How will we achieve this?
Improve the quality of the visitor experience, both online and on-site, across our locations, developing the Library as a destination
How will we achieve this?
Build and support networks and communities based on our collections and services, and the culture and heritage of Wales more widely.
How will we achieve this?
Introduce our collections and services to new audiences and communities across Wales and provide a space, both online and on-site, to interpret and discuss aspects of Wales’s past, present and future.
How will we achieve this?
Celebrate and promote the culture of Wales globally, share and market Wales as a nation, promote cultural exports, promote intercultural and economically advantageous dialogue and strengthen the economy of Wales.
How will we achieve this?
Support higher education and academic research, collaborating in research fields based on our collections or relevant to aspects of Wales.
A globally responsible Wales
How will we achieve his?
Support education in Wales, especially the Curriculum for Wales and post-16 qualifications in schools and colleges.
How will we achieve this?
Provide pathways to our collections, enabling informal and lifelong learning, creative practice and continuing professional development.
How will we achieve this?
Digital technology is central to realising this Strategy. Although we have for decades been innovators in the field of digitisation in cultural heritage, these technologies will need to permeate all of our activities and services to enable us as an organisation to achieve our objectives more efficiently and effectively. We will embrace this opportunity in the years ahead, combining digital skills and tools with new ways of thinking and working, and contribute to the delivery of the Digital Strategy for Wales.
Combined with this digital transformation, we will need the following to enable us to deliver this plan.
We will enact the five ways of working of The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act to ensure that we apply the Sustainable Development Principle in working towards our Strategic and Well-being Objectives:
The importance of balancing short-term needs with the need to safeguard the ability to also meet long-term needs
How acting to prevent problems occurring or getting worse may help the Library meet its objectives.
Considering how the Library’s well-being objectives may impact upon each of the well-being goals, on its other objectives, or on the objectives of other public bodies
Acting in collaboration with any other person who could help the Library to meet its well-being objectives
The importance of involving people with an interest in achieving the well-being goals, and ensuring that those people reflect the diversity of the area which the Library serves