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Statement concerning the processing of special categories of personal data

The Library needs to collect and use certain data that are defined in Article 9 as "special categories of personal data" (referred to as "sensitive personal data" under the Data Protection Act). The data that may be collected, and the purposes for which they may be used, are listed below:

  • Race and ethnic origin: Collected from application forms. Used to ensure the Library's compliance with Race Relations and Equal Opportunities legislation, and for statistical purposes. Although collected and stored in a form accessible by individual name, the data will only be disclosed to other organisations in an anonymised aggregate form.
  • Membership of Trade Union: Provided either by individuals or by the Unions. Used for administering payments, and occasionally when requested by the Trades Unions for information purposes.
  • Physical or mental health, or medical condition: Collected from details supplied on appointment, and from medical certificates submitted during employment.

Used for the purposes of:

  • Administering statutory and institutional sick leave, sick pay, maternity leave and maternity pay schemes, including the record of absence for sick leave;
  • Checking suitability and fitness for work and specific appointments in the Library;
  • Checking suitability and fitness for any placements, secondments or honorary appointments with other employers;
  • Ensuring Library compliance with Disability Discrimination and Health and Safety legislation;
  • Managing and maintaining a safe environment in the Library;
  • Providing accurate records of sickness in response to requests from other prospective employers.

Except as is necessary for the above purposes, these data will only be provided if required by law (e.g. for entry into certain professions) or in aggregate and anonymised form for statistical purposes.

  • Criminal records: The Library may require staff to give information about criminal convictions.

This would be used:

  • To assess suitability for certain occupations involving financial responsibility or responsibility for other staff;
  • To ensure compliance with requirements of insurers (e.g. for car-driving, safety etc);
  • To enable the Library to satisfy itself that it is complying with any legislative requirements (e.g. in relation to Health and Safety at Work or Children Act matters).

Apart from the above internal uses, the data will only be disclosed to third parties where there is a legal requirement so to do.

  • Internal Disciplinary records: Data relating to internal disciplinary action will be retained in the first instance long enough to be available for any subsequent appeal, and thereafter for a period of time which will be clearly stated in the letter indicating the action to be taken.

The purposes listed above are covered by Article 9 - Processing of special categories of personal data of the General Data Protection Regulation. Data will not be disclosed or processed for other purposes without the specific consent of the data subject.