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Open Meeting 10:00 - 13:00 | |
Item | Purpose |
10:00 - 10:20 Presentation: Cyber Security - Overview | |
Section 1: General Matters | |
1.1 Chairs welcome, opening remarks and apologies | |
1.2 Declarations of interest relevant to the agenda | |
1.3 Minutes of open meeting 10 May 2024 - discuss issues that arise which are not on the agenda | FOR APPROVAL |
Section 2 | |
2.1 Chief Executive Report | FOR INFORMATION |
Section 3 Strategic Issues | |
3.1 CIPFA Review; lessons learned (MB) | FOR INFORMATION |
3.2 Private Funds - discussion paper (RLM/MB) | FOR APPROVAL |
3.3 Strategic Plan 2025 - 2030 (draft)(RLM) | FOR DISCUSSION |
3.4 Pension Scheme - outline business plan (MB) | FOR APPROVAL |
3.5 Tailored Review - update(CI) | FOR INFORMATION |
3.6 Strategic Equality Plan (RLM) | FOR APPROVAL |
Section 4 Corporate Affairs | |
4.1 Financial Report | |
4.1.1 Management Accounts June 2024 (MB) | FOR INFORMATION |
4.1.2 Tender for Ground Source Bore Holes and Heat Pumps Installation (MB) | FOR APPROVAL |
4.1.2 Draft Accounts for 2023-24 (MB) | FOR INFORMATION |
4.2 Compliance and Risk | |
4.2.1 Financial Regulations 2024 (MB) | FOR APPROVAL |
4.2.2 Corporate Risk Register (MB) | FOR INFORMATION |
Section 5: Welsh Government | |
5.1 Presentation on the consultation on the draft Priorities for Culture in Wales 2024 to 2030 (CH) | FOR INFORMATION |
Section 6: Reports from Committees | |
(will be shared with the Trustees only until they have been approved at the next meeting of the appropriate committee) | |
6.1 Performance Quality and Governance Draft Minutes 21.05.24 and 16.07.24 | TO NOTE |
6.2 Buildings Panel Draft Minutes 30.05.24 | TO NOTE |
6.3 Draft Minutes of Finance and Resources Meeting 11.06.24 | TO NOTE |
6.4 Audit, Risk and Assurance 02.07.24 - Verbal Summary | TO NOTE |
Section 7: Any other matters | |
7.1 Trustee Appointment Campaign | TO DISCUSS |