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Data Publication and Linked Data in the Humanities

November 12th, 2012, 09:30-16:30
Council Chamber, National Library of Wales

About the event

Leading figures from the digital humanities, libraries and archives community will address the major challenges in transferring recent developments in the Semantic Web from research laboratories into the real world of humanities research. The term "linked data" covers a set of principles and approaches for publishing, sharing and linking data over the Web, in particular by using semantic web technologies. Humanities researchers have access to a great deal of digital material, whether produced by other researchers or by digitisation programmes in archives and museums. However, even when these resources are accessible over the Web, they are often held in dispersed, individual silos that are difficult to access in an integrated fashion because of the variety of formats, vocabularies and standards employed to represent them. Such resources would be much more useful to scholars if they could be linked up and explored as a single rich data landscape.
The seminar will investigate how linked data could serve the digital arts and humanities by bringing together international experts in the semantic web to discuss existing approaches in the digital arts and humanities.

This workshop is co-organised by the National Library of Wales and King’s College, London, and funded by JISC.

There is no charge to attend the workshop, however, registration is essential by sending e-mail to Angharad Medi Lewis at NLW:


09:30 Coffee and arrival
10:00 Welcome by Lorna Hughes and Mark Hedges
10:15 Jane Stevenson and Adrian Stevenson, University of Manchester
10:45 Dominic Oldman, British Museum
11:15 Christian Emil Ore, University of Oslo
11:45 Leif Isaksen, University of Southampton
12:15 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Sebastian Rahtz, University of Oxford
14:30 Michael Charno, University of York
15:00 Gill Hamilton, National Library of Scotland
15:30 Discussion
16:30 Tea