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Gold Award for The National Library of Wales

The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth was recently awarded with a Gold Investors in People status.

A nationally recognised framework, Investors in People gives people the assurance that they are working for an organisation that cares about improving performance and realising together common objectives through the effective encouragement and development of their people.

Sir Deian Hopkin, President of The National Library of Wales said:

‘The National Library of Wales Board of Trustees are pleased that the devoted work of the staff has been acknowledged by achieving a Gold Investors in People status. As an establishment, we encourage staff development which will enable us to offer first class service to our users’

According to Investors in People:

‘By achieving Investors in People, you have put your organisation at the forefront of good practice. This gives a clear signal to everyone you deal with that you are committed to continuous improvement through your main resource: your people’.

Siân Jones, Human Resources Manager added:

‘We are very pleased to receive the Investors in People Gold Standard as it reflects the excellent work completed by the Library staff and managers, and their commitment to meeting and exceeding our users needs’

Further Information

Elin – Hâf, Press Office 01970 632534 or