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National Library Delivers the Living Wage

The National Library of Wales today became the latest Welsh employer to commit to pay at least the Living Wage to its staff. Following discussions with trade union representatives, the Library announced that it will pay its staff a minimum of the Living Wage of £7.65 from 1 January 2015 (£7.85 from 1 April 2015).

The Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Ken Skates today visited the Library to mark this important milestone.

“It is a matter of basic fairness that people should get a wage which is enough to live on,” said the Library’s Chief Executive and Librarian, Dr Aled Gruffydd Jones. 

"Despite the Library’s challenging financial position we are pleased to increase the salaries of staff who are on the lower bands by responding positively to one of Welsh Government’s most important priorities. As the current restructuring process progresses, it is essential that we are able to pay our staff a competitive salary which in turn helps us not only to retain vital staff, many with scarce skills, but also to attract new members of staff to the Library" he said.

The Deputy Minister welcomed the National Library’s decision:

“We are committed to the roll-out of the Living Wage in the public, private and third sectors and believe it is an important initiative in addressing some of the issues associated with low pay and poverty. I am pleased that one of our leading national institutions has worked with the trade unions to give valued members of staff a positive start to the new year.”

On behalf of the Trade Union Side (FDA, PCS and Prospect), Gareth Howells, Prospect’s Negotiation Officer for Wales said:

 “We are delighted that The National Library of Wales has agreed to one of the cornerstones of the trade unions’ pay claim. This proves the value of partnership working between the management of the Library and the trade unions. After what has been a difficult time in the Library’s history, we hope that this agreement ushers in a new chapter in relations between the Library and the trade unions.”


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