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Celebrating Strata Florida’ s past and future


Strata Florida will be opening its doors free of charge for the weekend of 15/16 July 2017 as part of a series of events celebrating the history of this former Abbey [1] and launching a major project to revive the site.

David Austin, Chairman of the Strata Florida Trust said:

"Strata Florida is a very special place for the people of Wales. It was a fascinating historical and cultural powerhouse and we are working hard to ensure that the former splendor returns to the ancient site.   Our research over 18 years has shown that it has a far deeper and more amazing story to tell than we have ever thought before.”

Leading up to the celebratory weekend other events will be held that echo Strata Florida's historic significance as a centre of learning and innovation in the landscape:

  • On Monday July 10th, HRH The Prince of Wales will tour the Strata Florida site and meet with trustees, partners and members of the local community;
  • On Tuesday July 11th delegates of the Harmony in Food and Farming Conference will visit to learn about the history of land use here and how that can help with today’s challenges and opportunities in farming;
  • On Saturday and Sunday July 15th and 16th there will be a host of activities for people of all ages which tell the story of this amazing place
  • At the same time, the Council for British Archaeology will launch its Welsh Festival of Archaeology with demonstrations of archaeological techniques and discoveries. This includes an excavation that children can take part in.
  • On Sunday 16 July the Nanteos Cup [2], an ancient  wooden bowl with a rich and intriguing history and kept at The National Library of Wales, will be on display in front of the High Altar of the former Abbey Church and its Holy Well Shrine;
  • Sunday 16 July will also see three short services held during the day to celebrate ‘A 1,000 years of Worship at Strata Florida,’ drawing on the long history of Christianity on the site. 

Celebrating Strata Florida has been organised as a partnership between Cadw, The National Library of Wales, The Council of British Archeology and The Strata Florida Trust.   For more details visit

David Austin, Chairman of the Strata Florida Trust went on to say:
“The weekend’s celebrations will have something for everyone. As well as giving young people the chance to take part in an archaeological dig, there will be exhibitions, stalls, guided walks and a performance by Small World Theatre with their giant puppet of the Lord Rhys, the great founding patron of the Abbey.

“People who come to the event will also see our plans for the future of Strata Florida that includes Mynachlog Fawr, an old farm complex, which we are redeveloping using traditional techniques.  This will house the Strata Florida Centre to enhance the visitor experience for years to come.”

Editors Notes

  1. The Cistercian Abbey of Strata Florida was first founded in 1164 when a Norman knight, Robert Fitzstephan, granted lands in central Ceredigion to the monks of Whitland Abbey in Carmarthenshire. For more information on this and on the project as a whole see
  2. See the Trust’s web-site for more information
  3. The Nanteos Cup is considered by some to THE Holy Grail. 

Further Information

Elin-Hâf 01970 632471 or