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The National Library of Wales will be present at the Urdd National Eisteddfod, Cardiff between 27 May and 1 June 2019, with a unit outside the entrance of the Millennium Centre.

On the stand there will be an opportunity for visitors to take part in an exciting challenge – escape room. Those who are brave enough to face the tasks will have to escape out of the Library in less than twenty minutes. To do so, participants will have to discover and solve a series of clues quickly.

The puzzles, which allow contributors to unlock a series of doors, are based on collections held the National Library of Wales. From books to photographs, maps to manuscripts; each task has been constructed using a host of iconic and interesting material from a treasure trove that belongs to the nation. However, the escape room does not examine one’s awareness of Welsh history and culture; escaping depends on logical thinking.

Pedr ap Llwyd, Chief Executive and Librarian at the National Library of Wales said:

"If you want an escape room at the Urdd National Eisteddfod this year, look no further than the National Library of Wales’ unit, where you will have plenty of fun trying to solve mysteries in order to escape. I’m sure that young people from all over Wales will succeed in what I failed to do; escaping in time! It is a real privilege to be part of the Eisteddfod's activities again this year and I wish the festival every success in the Bay."

Rhodri Morgan, Education Service Manager added:

“The escape room mirrors what takes place at The National Library of Wales, the researching of materials and discovering facts. It’s an opportunity, not only to entertain young visitors, but to raise awareness of the Library’s important and varied collections in a creative and innovative way. The Escape Room also provides an opportunity to practice a crucial skill - problem solving.

“We hope to see you on the Library’s stand during the week, you are welcome to come in, but... will you get out?”


The escape room will be open to all throughout the week, with half hourly sessions arranged between 09:30 and 17:00. The activity is free, but applicants must book their slot on the National Library of Wales stand (RH003). Teams of between 2 and 5 participants are welcome to face the challenge, and although there is no need for a parent to be present, they are welcome to take part.

The Library shop will also be present on the stand, giving visitors the opportunity to purchase unique items inspired by the collections of the National Library of Wales at the Urdd Eisteddfod.

Further Information

Elen Haf Jones   or
01970 632 534