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Many more recent monographs, annuals and periodicals are individually catalogued and available via the OPAC, although pre 1986 holdings for many monograph and serial publications (including yearbooks and statistical bulletins) are not recorded. Such publications are shelved by title in the United Nations Collection and can be browsed by request. Work is ongoing to add these items to the OPAC as resources allow.

Most working papers of the United Nations, and IAEA are not individually catalogued but are filed under their UN Document number.

Items may be ordered in advance and may be reserved unless another reader requests the same item.

United Nations Organisation

The Library receives material published by the following organs of the United Nations including periodicals, monographs and sessional papers:

  • The General Assembly
  • The Security Council
  • The Economic and Social Council
  • The Secretariat

The Library received publications of the Trusteeship Council until its suspension in 1994.

Annual reports of the subsidiary bodies and agencies of the United Nations are published as supplements to the Official Records of the General Assembly. Monograph and periodical publications are also received from other UN agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Labour Office (ILO), World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Monographs and periodicals from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are also deposited along with sessional papers of the General Conference from Session 4 (1960).

There is also a collection of papers from the League of Nations during the period 1920-1939.

The Parliamentary Assembly of The Council Of Europe

The Library holds various documents of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from 1949

  • Official Report of the Consultative Assembly 1949-1974
  • Official Report of the Parliamentary Assembly 1974 - 2006
  • Official Report of the Parliamentary Assembly (CD Rom) 2006 –
  • Texts Adopted 1953 – 2003
  • Order of the Day and Minutes of Proceedings 1950 – 2003
  • Documents 1951 -

The Parliamentary Assembly meets 4 times a year in January (1st Session), April (2nd Session) June (3rd Sessions) and October (4th Session) with the Official Record and Documents and Working Papers arranged in volumes by session.

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The Library holds a number of serial and monograph publications including reports and statistical bulletins. Pre 1986 holdings for many monograph and serial publications (including yearbooks and statistical bulletins) are not recorded although such publications are shelved by title in the OECD collection.

Organization for Security and Co-operation In Europe (OSCE)

The Library holds papers of various organs of the OSCE including:

  • The Permanent Council
  • The Economic Forum
  • The Forum for Co-operation on Security Services
  • The Forum for Security Cooperation
  • The Ministerial Council
  • The General Secretary
  • The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OHDIR)

These papers are not yet available in the OPAC.


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