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Welcome to Screen and Sound Archive, home to a comprehensive and unequalled collection of films, television programmes, videos, sound recordings and music relating to Wales and the Welsh.

The archive brings the story of Wales and the Welsh archive alive in front of our eyes. It’s a remarkable story, told by thousands of voices and moving images since 1898.

About Us

The aim of the Screen & Sound Archive is to preserve, promote and celebrate the sound and moving image heritage of Wales. The Archive is home to a comprehensive and unrivalled collection of films, television programmes, videos, sound and music recordings relating to Wales and the Welsh.

The Archive’s collection is varied and encompasses every aspect of the culture and life of Wales and its people as chronicled by audio-visual media in sound, video, film and the latest digital formats.

The Archive was established in 2001, when the Wales Film and Television Archive was merged with the National Library of Wales’ Sound and Moving Image Collection. The Archive is funded by the National Library of Wales and the Welsh Government.

Get in touch

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