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To mark the centenary of the First World War, the Library has gathered, digitised and given access to thousands of items from its collections which relate the Welsh experience of the conflict.
Here's a selection that you can view online now.
The poem 'Yr Arwr' (The Hero) by Hedd Wyn, written in the poet’s own hand. It won him the chair at the National Eisteddfod in Birkenhead in 1917, but he had already met his death during the battle of Pilkem Ridge in Flanders.
There are about 2,000 official/military and civilian maps published during the First World War, including this trench map produced by the Royal Engineers in 1917.
The diary of poet and writer Edward Thomas, records his movements during 1917, beginning in January, while he was with his regiment in Lydd, Kent, and ending on the evening before his death in April.
Roll books were used to list the names of those who served in a company. These two roll books, kept in 1915, belonged to D Company, 20th Battalion and of E Company, 16th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
The Welsh National Book of Remembrance contains the names of 35,000 servicemen and women who lost their lives in the First World War. Working in collaboration with the Wales for Peace project, the Book has now been transcribed by volunteers so that it can now be searched.
23 letters written by artist and writer David Jones to his friend T F Burns contain descriptions of his experiences of the First World War.
Lord Davies was an industrialist, philanthropist and politician. He represented Montgomeryshire as Liberal Member of Parliament between 1906 and 1929 and after seeing active service on the Western Front during the Great War he was appointed Parliamentary Private Secretary to David Lloyd George in June 1916.
Following his experiences in the war, he became a fervent campaigner for international order to prevent war, leading to his establishment of the New Commonwealth Society. The society was active in a number of countries, formulating and promoting ideas for an international authority, police and air force to keep the peace.
Lord Davies' previously unpublished, biography can now be read online.