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EVANS, Gareth. 1871-1971: one hundred years of fellowship: the history of the first century of the Melbourne Welsh Church . Melbourne: Melbourne Welsh Church, 1971 20p
EVANS, William Meirion. Trem ar agwedd crefydd yn mysg Cymry Victoria Awstralia. Cyfaill o'r hen Wlad 27 321 (Medi 1864) 276-8
G.E.P. Establishing Welsh church in Sydney. Yr Enfys 41 (Oct/Nov 1958) 22
HUGHES, John Mona. Addoli yn Gymraeg yn Awstralia. Y Cylch 46 (Medi 1994) 14.
HUGHES, Siôn Gough. Cymanfa ganu, Medi 16 2001 Y Goleuad 16.11.2001 t.7
HUME, Colette. Church down under seeks a twin chapel Western Mail 21.10.1997 p.3 (Melbourne)
JENKINS, Arthur J. A History of Carmel Welsh Presbyterian Church, Sebastopol, from its beginning until the present time, 1991. Sebastopol, Vic.: Carmel Welsh Presbyterian Church, 1991. 124p
JENKINS, William Rhys. Carmel Welsh Presbyterian (CM) Church, Sebastopol: centenary: 1861-1961; 100 years of witness. Ballarat, Vic: Carmel Welsh Presbyterian Church, [1961] [8]p
JONES, Emyr Gwynne. Annibynwyr Cymraeg Awstralia. Y Cofiadur 26 (1956) 3-40 map
JONES, Emyr Gwynne. The Welsh Independents (Congregationalists) of Australia. Church Heritage 3 (March 1984) 238-276.
An English translation of 'Annibynwyr Cymraeg Awstralia'.
JONES, James Pumpsaint
The Welsh Church Western Australia 31.8.1905.
JONES, Joseph. Early Church history from an Eisteddfod. Y Wawr July 2003 [6-8]. Originally published in Y Drych Nov 1907; translated and researched by Dr Bill Jones, Cardiff
LEWIS, L. D. 1883-1933 Jubilee celebrations: history of the UnitedWelsh Church of Blackstone, Queensland, Australia. Blackstone: United Welsh Church of Blackstone, 1933 19p
MALDON Congregational Church 1858-1977. Maldon: Maldon Congregational Church, 1977 [11]p
MELBOURNE'S Welsh Church APL today (December 1994) 35
OWEN, Bob. Bedyddwyr Cymreig Awstralia, 1851-80. TrafodionCymdeithas Hanes Bedyddwyr Cymru 1960 42-50
REES, Horatio. A short history of the Welsh Presbyterian Church, Chalmers Street, Sydney. Y Wawr=The Dawn: newsletter of theWelsh Church Melbourne March 1988 p.1-4
ROBERTS, Elfed ap Nefydd. Dathlu ym mhen draw'r byd Y Goleuad 31.1.1997 t.5.
ROBERTS, Thomas E Hanes yr achos Cymreig yn Charters Towers, Queensland, Awstralia. Toriad papur newydd yn Adran Lawysgrifau Llyfrgell Prifysgol Bangor Casgliad Gabriel Hughes 116 t.55-56
SAVILL, B. J. The Welsh Church - Latrobe Street, Melbourne: a brief history. Melbourne: Royal Historical Society of Victoria, [1988?] 10p; typescript. C M Archives PX 2/1/9
A short history of the Welsh Calvinistic Church, Williamstown Y Wawr August 2001 p.(7-8). The article was published originally in the Williamstown Chronicle 17.4.1886
STEPHENS, J. Oliver. Yr Eglwys Wesleaidd yn Awstralia. YrEurgrawn 123 (Medi-Hydref 1931) 335-41, 379-85
STEPHENS, J. Oliver. Henaduriaid Cymreig Awstralia Y Drysorfa 109 (Rhagfyr 1939) 447-52
The WELSH Church of Melbourne 125th anniversary 1871-1996. Melbourne Welsh Church, 1996 [7]p.
WILLIAMS, Robert. A short history of the Welsh Calvinistic Church, Williamstown [ca 1865-96] 5 leaves.
Copy of unpublished manuscript account, NLW Facs 603