Here are the items on the Children's Literature theme digitised for the Europeana: Rise of Literacy project.
- Darlleniadur : sef hyfforddiadau hawdd ac eglur i ddysgu darllain Cymraeg wedi eu hamcanu megis silliadur cyntaf i blant
- Llyfr Del
- Yr Hwiangerddi
- Y Tylwyth Teg
- Llwybr Hyffordd y Plentyn Bach i Fywyd Tragwyddol
- Blodau i Blant: sef llyfr bychan yn cynnwys adnodau 'scrythyrol dewisiol
- Flame-bearers of Welsh History: being the outline of the story of 'The sons of Cunedda'
- Tlysau Ynys Prydain
Discover & Learn
- Digital exhibitions
- Europeana Rise of Literacy
- Illingworth
- David Lloyd George
- Dylan Thomas
- Wales and the World Calendar
- Manuscripts
- Archives
- Printed material
- Pictures
- Maps
- Photographs
- Dylan Thomas
- Education