Here are the items on the Political and Radical Publications theme digitised for the Europeana: Rise of Literacy project.
- A Discourse on the Love of our Country: delivered ... to the Society for Commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain ... containing ... an account of the population of France; and the Declaration of Rights by the National Assembly of France
- Letters on Political Liberty, and the principles of the English and Irish projects of reform
- Seren tan gwmmwl, neu ychydig sylw ar frenhinoedd, escobion, arglwyddi, &c. a llywodraeth Lloegr yn gyffredin. Wedi ei ysgrifennu er mwyn y Cymru uniaith
- A New View of Society: or, Essays on the formation of the human character preparatory to the development of a plan for gradually ameliorating the condition of mankind
- The Miners' Next Step: being a suggested scheme for the reorganization of the Federation
- Toriad y dydd, neu, Sylw byr ar hen gyfreithiau ac arferion llywodraethol : ynghyd â chrybwylliad am freintiau dyn, &c. : wedi ei ysgrifennu er mwyn y Cymry uniaith
- Cwyn yn Erbyn Gorthrymder, yn ghyd a sylwiadau ar hawl Esgobion, a'u Gweinidogion i ddegymau
- Yr Iaith Gymraeg, 1785, 1885, 1985! neu, Tair Miliwn o Gymry Dwy-ieithawg mewn Can Mlynedd
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- Digital exhibitions
- Europeana Rise of Literacy
- Prose and Novels
- Religious Publications
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- Plays and Interludes
- Ballads
- Expatriate Literature
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- Political and Radical Publications
- A Discourse on the Love of our Country: delivered ... to the Society for Commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain ... containing ... an account of the population of France; and the Declaration of Rights by the National Assembly of France
- Letters on Political Liberty, and the principles of the English and Irish projects of reform
- Seren tan gwmmwl, neu ychydig sylw ar frenhinoedd, escobion, arglwyddi, &c. a llywodraeth Lloegr yn gyffredin. Wedi ei ysgrifennu er mwyn y Cymru uniaith
- A New View of Society: or, Essays on the formation of the human character preparatory to the development of a plan for gradually ameliorating the condition of mankind
- The Miners' Next Step: being a suggested scheme for the reorganization of the Federation
- Toriad y dydd, neu, Sylw byr ar hen gyfreithiau ac arferion llywodraethol
- Cwyn yn Erbyn Gorthrymder
- Yr Iaith Gymraeg, 1785, 1885, 1985
- The Blue Books Reports
- Science and Mathematics
- Cookery and Lifestyle
- Dictionaries and Grammars
- Illingworth
- David Lloyd George
- Dylan Thomas
- Wales and the World Calendar
- Manuscripts
- Archives
- Printed material
- Pictures
- Maps
- Photographs
- Dylan Thomas
- Europeana Rise of Literacy
- Education