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Manuscript of a Middle Cornish play about St Ke, discovered in 2000.
A 16th century manuscript by Elis Gruffudd, who attempts to chronicle the history of the world from it's Creation through to 1552.
A volume of astrological texts from the 1490s by Johannes Trithemius (1462-1516) transcripted in 1591 by Dr John Dee (1527-1609).
A manuscript containing music for the lute copied about 1595 and transcripts of poems, elegies and legal miscellanea.
A manuscript containing plays, poems, elegies and miscellaneous notes written in English, Welsh and Latin.
A volume of Welsh cywyddau and awdlau (15th-16th cent.) written by Wmffre Dafis, which includes work by Dafydd ap Gwilym and Guto'r Glyn.
A manuscript shedding light on the subject of working women's dress circa 1600.
Unfinished dialogue in the hand of Morgan Llwyd (1619-1659), author and mystic.
A number of copies of important Welsh manuscripts by Dr John Davies, Mallwyd (c. 1570-1644).
A manuscript (c.1628-48) which includes religious texts, a collection of prose and cywyddau, an essay against conjurers and wizards, popular superstitions and much
A copy, 1669, of History of the Gwydir family by Syr John Wynn (1553-1627).
A volume of cooking and medicinal recipes collected by Merryell Williams of the Ystumcolwyn Estate, Montgomeryshire, towards the end of the 17th century and beginning of the 18th century.
A Cornish dictionary compiled by the scholar Edward Lhuyd at the beginning of the 18th century.
Religious poetry in the hand of William Williams (1717-1791), Wales's most eminent hymnwriter.
A poem by Goronwy Owen (1723-1769), one of Wales's most important eighteenth-century poets.
A volume of pedigrees, poems and antiquarian notes, dated 1766 in the hand of the bard and gentleman Hugh Hughes from Llwydiarth Esgob, Anglesey.
Two well-to-do visitors from England tell of their travels in Wales, 1772 and 1801.
Two manuscripts providing valuable biographical information of Thomas Jones, Pencerrig
Notes by Iolo Morganwg (Edward Williams, 1747-1826) about bards and druids.
Traethawd y Felin Reference: Peniarth MS 56 A
Daroganau Reference: Peniarth MS 58 A
Yr Afallenau a'r Oiannau Reference: Peniarth MS 59 A
Barddoniaeth Reference: Peniarth MS 60 A
Barddoniaeth [Siôn] Brwynog Reference: Peniarth MS 61 A
Llyfr Syr Thomas Williams Reference: Peniarth MS 62 A
Barddoniaeth Reference: Peniarth MS 63 A
Barddoniaeth Reference: Peniarth MS 64 A
The Oration of Gwgan Reference: Peniarth MS 65 A
Barddoniaeth Reference: Peniarth MS 66 A
Barddoniaeth Rhys Cain Reference: Peniarth MS 68 A
Barddoniaeth Rhys Cain Reference: Peniarth MS 69 A
Pedigrees Reference: Peniarth MS 75 B
Barddoniaeth Lewis Glyn Cothi Reference: Peniarth MS 77 B
Barddoniaeth Huw Arwystl Reference: Peniarth MS 82 B
Barddoniaeth Reference: Peniarth MS 83 B
Llyfr Dafydd Cayo Reference: Peniarth MS 84 B
Cywyddau ac odlau Guto'r Glyn Reference: Peniarth MS 99 B
Llyfr Moelyrch Reference: Peniarth MS 103 B
Llyfr cywyddau Siôn ap William ap Siôn Reference: Peniarth MS 112 D
The British Genealogy Reference: Peniarth MS 120 E
Llyfr Edward ap Roger Reference: Peniarth MS 128 D
Gwaith Guto'r Glyn Reference: Peniarth MS 152 B
Pump Llyfr Cerddwriaeth, [1570x1588] Reference: Peniarth 169A
Achau, [1545x1553] Reference: Peniarth MS 176
Pedigrees, [1538-1539], [c. 1587] Reference: Peniarth MS 179
Disgrifiadau o arfbeisiau, [17 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 180 A
Llyfr Mr Gruffudd, [mid 16 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 181
Barddoniaeth, [16 cent., second ½ - 17 cent., first ½] Reference: Peniarth MS 184
Log book of a voyage around South Africa, [17 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 185
Llyfr Syr Thomas Wiliems, [1570x1622] Reference: Peniarth MS 188 A
Gramadegau a cherddi, [15 cent., second ½], [ late 16 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 189
Gwasanaeth y Fendigaid Fair, [16 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 192
Gwehelyth, [mid 16 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 193
Trwydded pencerdd Gruffudd Hiraethog Reference: Peniarth MS 194
Swyn-gyfareddion, [late 15 cent.], 1863 Reference: Peniarth MS 205 A
Testunau meddygol, [17 cent., first ½] Reference: Peniarth MS 206
Testunau meddygol, [17 cent., first ½] Reference: Peniarth MS 207
Bucheddau'r Saint Reference: Peniarth MS 225 B
Dictionarium Latino-Cambricum Thomas Wiliems Reference: Peniarth MS 228 i
Dictionarium Latino-Cambricum Thomas Wiliems Reference: Peniarth MS 228 ii
Dictionarium Latino-Cambricum Thomas Wiliems Reference: Peniarth MS 228 iii
Historical extracts Reference: Peniarth MS 252 D
Testunau gramadegol, [1601x1658] Reference: Peniarth MS 295
Llyfrau Geirydd, [1606] Reference: Peniarth MS 296
Llyfr geiriau, 1622 Reference: Peniarth MS 302
Geiriau perthnasol i benodau neilltuol, 1632 Reference: Peniarth MS 304
Geiriau perthnasol i benodau neilltuol, 1633 Reference: Peniarth MS 305
Geiriau perthnasol i benodau neilltuol, 1633 Reference: Peniarth MS 306
Sermons, [c. 1734] Reference: Peniarth MS 324
Sermons of Lewis Price, 1717-1734 Reference: Peniarth MS 325
Nanney notebook, 1599-1608 Reference: Peniarth MS 332
De religionibus gentilibus, [17 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 341
Philosophical tracts, [16 cent. - 17 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 342
British history, [17 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 343
Miscellanea, [17 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 346
Medical recipes, [18 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 348
Index to Salop escheats and inquisitions, 1707 Reference: Peniarth MS 349
Cato Construed, [17 cent.] Reference: Peniarth MS 350
Epistolau bugeiliol St Paul Reference: NLW MS 17115E
Lewis Morris' De Historia Piscium Reference: NLW MS 24052E
Letters to Abraham Ortelius, 1568-1571 Reference: NLW MS 13187E
Historical Prophecies Reference: NLW MS 441C
Notebooks [17 cent] Reference: NLW MS 353
Staffordshire architect's account book Reference: NLW MS 16635B
John and Erasmus Philipps Journal Reference: NLW MS 23273A
Monotesseron : De Vita Iesu Christi Reference: NLW MS 5006D