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Reference: NLW MS 21715-16B

NLW MS 21715-16B

Sir William Edmond Logan (1798-1875), who worked in Wales in the 1830s, founded the Geological Survey of Canada and is recognised as Canada's first great scientist. Two journals held at the National Library of Wales record his compelling observations on expeditions in the Gaspé Peninsula of Québec, Canada.

Contents of the journals

The journals describe his travels and his geographical work in the Gaspé Peninsula of Québec, Canada. As well as their geographical importance, the journals include interesting comments about the people he meets on his journeys. They reflect the conciencious, astute man who created them and the rich, detailed world in which he lived. Many of the records were originally made in pencil and then re-written in ink, and the journals also include many sketches in pen and ink.

13 July - 30 September, 1843 (NLW MS 21715B)

The first volume, 13 July - 30 September 1843, records a voyage by canoe along both shores of Baie de Gaspé and as far as Cape Maquereau on the northern side of Baie des Chaleurs. Logan was accompanied by a Mr Stevens and an Indian, John Basque.

31 May - 4 November 1844 (NLW MS 21716B)

The second volume, 31 May - 4 November 1844, with a dozen blank pages between 12 and 28 September, describes further explorations of the Gaspé Peninsula. Logan, accompanied by de Rottermond, Murray, Stevens and five Indians, proceeded by canoe from Gaspé up the St Lawrence River to Cape Chatte, then inland over the Shick Shock hills to Bay Chaleur. From around 6 September to 7 October, when they crossed the estuary to Dalhousie on the New Brunswick side, seems to have been spent on the northern shore of this bay, travelling as far east as Paspebiac. A recrossing of the Gaspé Peninsula along the Matapedia River was then undertaken, and afterwards the party followed the right bank of the St Lawrence River towards Québec.