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Reference: NLW MS 24029A

Content of the Boston Manuscript

The manuscript was written on parchment by 4 individuals, with the main scribe writing in south-west Wales during the second half of the 14th century. The main legal text in the manuscript is a version of the Blegywryd redaction of Welsh law (ff. 1-93), to which was added a gathering from another legal manuscript (ff. 94-99). The volume thus exemplifies the evolution of a legal textbook, whilst in daily usage, during the late medieval period. A reference to the date 1401 on f. 97 shows that the last part of the manuscript was written at the beginning of the 15th century. Among other texts present is a copy of a prayer known as ‘Emyn Curig’ (Hymn to St Curig) (ff. 98-99v). The nature of the original binding is unknown, but it is likely that the leaves were protected by parchment wrappers as they were carried by an itinerant lawyer or judge on circuit in the Welsh Marches.


There are no illuminations in the volume, but green, red and purple inks are used to decorate capital letters, and a fine red ink decoration is used to frame the text on each page. The use of acidic green ink had a detrimental effect by burning through, and creating holes in many of the parchment leaves. The use of purple ink in a medieval Welsh manuscript is unusual, and the standard of decoration throughout is high.

Binding and physical condition

Alas, a number of leaves, many capital-letters, and one whole gathering were lost in the period between the transcribing of the manuscript in Wales at the beginning of the 18th century, and its re-binding in the United States around 1840. It is possible that the damage was caused by a combination of factors, including the disintegration of the binding, the cockling of parchment during changes in environmental conditions, and the practice of deliberate cutting by curious collectors.

Recent history

The manuscript was owned and preserved by the Massachusetts Historical Society for over 150 years, until it was sold at Sotheby’s, London, on 10 July 2012. It was purchased by the National Library of Wales with generous financial assistance from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Others who contributed to the purchase were the Friends of the National Libraries and the Welsh Government.

Re-binding the manuscript

Because of the unsuitability of the American binding, which jeopardised the long-term preservation of the parchment leaves, the manuscript was dis-bound at the National Library in October 2012. Subsequently, all folios were repaired using new parchment, and a number of capitals were strengthened. The leaves were fully digitised before being re-bound between oak boards early in 2013.


  • Brynley F. Roberts, ‘Rhai swynion Cymraeg’, The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 21 (1964-66), 197-213 [in Welsh]
  • Morfydd E. Owen, ‘Llawysgrif Gyfreithiol Goll’, The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 22 (1966-68), 338-343 [in Welsh]
  • Dafydd Jenkins & Morfydd E. Owen, ‘Welsh law in Carmarthenshire’, The Carmarthenshire Antiquary, 18 (1982), 17-27
  • T.M. Charles-Edwards, The Welsh Laws (Cardiff, 1989)
  • Christine James, ‘Tradition and Innovation in some later medieval Welsh lawbooks’, The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 40 (1993), 148-156
  • The manuscript text is printed on the Cardiff University Welsh Prose 1350-1425 website

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Short film - Unbinding of Hywel Dda Manuscript