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Description:Four sets of records relating to ships that used Aberystwyth harbour between 1874 and 1953.
Code:cha (unique identifier for this dataset on NLW Data)
Version:v0.1 21-12-2017 [No previous releases]
License:Public Domain Dedication (CC0)
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This dataset was transcribed by volunteers as part of the National Library of Wales Volunteering Programme

More about this dataset

Four sets of records relating to ships that used Aberystwyth harbour between 1874 and 1953. Data fields in NLW Facs 785/786/787 include: Date, Vessel’s Name, Port to which Vessel belongs, Captain’s Name, Shippers, Cargo and its weight in Tons. NLW Facs 788 includes Date, Name of Ship, Port of Registry, Length, Depth, Depth of Hold, Official Number and Any Other Information.

Catalogue Records:

  • NLW Facs 785 (Outward Cargoes, July 1874 - August 1950; 987 entries)
  • NLW Face 786 (Inward Cargoes, July 1874 - December 1889; 1,431 entries)
  • NLW Face 787 (Inward Cargoes, January 1890 - August 1950; 1,841 entries)
  • NLW Face 788 (List of Ships and their Dimensions, 1927-1953; 66 entries)