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AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Awards

The National Library of Wales is part of a new Welsh Culture and Heritage CDP4 Consortium with Amgueddfa Cymru-Museum Wales and the National Botanic Garden of Wales.

The Collaborative Doctoral Studentships are supervised by members of staff at the National Library and academic staff at a UK university, with support and training opportunities provided by the CDP Consortium. A key benefit of the studentships is that each project offers the possibility for students to combine academic work leading to a doctorate with the acquisition of practical skills and unique work experience within a library or museum context.  

The National Library of Wales is pleased to invite applications for the 2024 round of studentships:


Completed PhDs

NLW Research has worked with a number of students on PhD placements.

  • Dr Andrew Cusworth
    Towards a digital land of song: a digital approach to the archival record of Welsh traditional music, its performance, and its reception