You're welcome to contact the Enquiries Service if you have any questions about our collections, how to search them or how to use them.
The service is free, and we aim to answer all enquiries within 10 working days.
This is a list of digital resources provided by The National Library of Wales. They are all available free of charge (no registration required).
You'll find access to external resources the Library contributes towards on our Other resources page.
Confine your search to the archives and manusripts collection, making it easier to find individual items quickly. You can also view the archival tree.
You must search the wills, marriage bonds and Theses Collection Wales from the main Catalogue.
Search and see the Welsh Newspapers collection online, and discover 15 million articles and 1.1 million pages.
Access to the digital images is free.
Access to scholarship from Wales. Back-numbers of up to 50 titles, ranging from academic publications to popular magazines.
Search 71,000+ of 390,296 women who signed the 1923 Peace Petition.
More names will be added over the next year as the transcription project progresses.
Discover the Tithe Maps of Wales. Search and browse over 300,000 entries from the tithe maps of Wales and accompanying apportionment documents using original and present-day maps.
Over 5 000 biographies which present Welsh people who made an important contribution to life in Wales and beyond.
Information about crimes, criminals and punishments included in the gaol files of the Court of Great Sessions in Wales from 1730 until its abolition in 1830.
Browse a list of digitised items from the Library's collections relating to the First World War.
Search through The National Library of Wales' Annual Reports between 1909-2000.
A-Z list of over 50 of the most popular/largest Estate collections at NLW.
Search around 50,000 theses and dissertations which have been presented for postgraduate degrees in higher educational institutions in Wales.
Search around 4,000 digitised ballads, from the collections of The National Library of Wales and Cardiff University Library. Img: Copyright Cardiff University Library.
The index to Welsh poetry in manuscript.
Search here for wills proved in the Welsh Ecclesiastical Courts before 1858.
Search a pre-1837 index of marriage bonds and affidavits.
Established in 1939, The National Library of Wales Journal publishes articles based on the Library’s collections. Contributions may appear in English or in Welsh.
You're welcome to contact the Enquiries Service if you have any questions about our collections, how to search them or how to use them.
The service is free, and we aim to answer all enquiries within 10 working days.