Idea and script: Andrea Despó Cañuqueo
Production: Diego Colinamun
Research: Nadia Pissano Paileman and Andrea Despó Cañuqueo
Actress: Andrea Despó Cañuqueo
Voices: Liliana Ancalao, Matías Jones, Celedonio “Chele” Díaz, Andrea Despó Cañuqueo
Singing: Andrea Despó Cañuqueo
Montage images: Nadia Pissano Paileman y Diego Colinamun
Filming and editing: Diego Colinamun
Text: extracts from ‘Para que drene esta memoria’ [To drain this memory] by Liliana Ancalao, extracts from the letters of Abraham Matthews as cited by Matías Jones in his work ‘De Galeses y Tehuelche, el pacto fundacional de una historia oficial chubutense’ [Of Welsh people and Tehelche, the foundational contract of an official history of Chubut], adaptations from the story ‘El otro viaje de Juan Salvo’ [Juan Salvo other journey] by Celedonio ‘Chele’ Díaz (based on a story told by a Mapuche Tehuelche individual to the author).