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19 October - 1 March 2025
Upper Central Hall
Kenyan photojournalist Mohamed Amin (1943 – 1993) became famous for documenting the Ethiopian famine in 1984 which had a powerful impact in mobilising a global response leading to the iconic Live Aid concert in 1985. Yet Amin also undertook a significant and ground-breaking body of work documenting Africa, Asia and the Middle East throughout the second half of the twentieth century. This was a time of the reshaping of continents after two World Wars leading to a migration of people who came to live and work in Wales for sanctuary. At the heart of this exhibition are a selection of Mohamed Amin images of influential people that led the march to nationhood and freedom such as Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X.
Three contemporary artists, Mo Hassan, Ali Goolyad and Kyle Legall each respond to these images showing the nature of change in the twentieth century creatively through photography, poetry, and painting.
This project is led by HDA and funded by the Welsh Government and Arts Council Wales.